Letter from the Director

Welcome to University of Maryland University College. We greatly appreciate that you chose UMUC to explore your personal and professional goals. As the director of the psychology program, I also want to welcome you to the psychology department.

This learning tool is designed to provide an introduction to the psychology degree program at UMUC. Dillinger and Landrum (2002) and Landrum, Shoemaker, and Davis (2003) found that students were better informed of their opportunities within both the psychology curriculum and the field in general after they completed this type of introductory session. At UMUC, in addition to providing this as an initial overview, students can continue to refer to the materials throughout their educational journey in psychology.

Within this learning tool, we will present topics and link to valuable resources that may help as you make choices during your learning experiences. You will find information on:

  1. The Psychology Program @ UMUC
  2. Ethical Guidelines and Considerations
  3. Graduate School and "Getting In"
  4. Careers and Fields within Psychology
  5. Using the Library
  6. Linking to Psychology

We hope that you find these learning objects useful in choosing psychology as your major, and that you continue to find them helpful as you navigate your way through your degree adventure.

Once again, welcome to the department, and we hope you find your journey personally and professionally rewarding.


Jennifer Thompson, PhD.

Director of Psychology @ UMUC