Diversity at UMUC

Learn about the many ways that UMUC celebrates diversity by visiting the Office of Diversity Initiatives (ODI). The office’s mission statement says that since UMUC is part of the global community, it seeks to reflect that community’s diversity. Cultural differences are valued and considered essential to the educational process and working environment.  In this interview, the UMUC director of Diversity Initiatives, Blair H. Hayes, PhD, discusses the importance of diversity in a global organization.

Video transcript

The Fair Practices Unit of ODI includes a fair practices officer and three equal opportunity officers, for UMUC stateside, Asia, and Europe. The unit is responsible for receiving, processing, and resolving discrimination complaints.

Volunteer members of the Diversity Council coordinate Heritage Month activities that recognize racial, ethnic, gender, religious, ability, age, and sexual orientation groups.

The Office of Accessibility Services assists students in determining their eligibility for accommodations, identifying available services, and registering for appropriate accommodation services.