UMUC Career Services

UMUC Career Services offers help for a variety of topics, including:

Matching Majors and Careers

The "Choosing a Major" site will help you analyze your skills, abilities, interests, work values, and personality to identify a career that is right for you. Career Match will help you match your major to a specific career area, type of employer, and career planning strategies.  Career counselors are always available to provide individual attention in-person or by e-mail.

The National Career Development Association also provides links to free online self-assessment tools.

Gaining Work Experience

Gaining experience in your field of interest will be one of the most important aspects of your academic career.  Work opportunities help you to clarify your goals and interests while you are developing a portfolio of job-related skills and a network of professional contacts.

It is never too early to start exploring work opportunities in your field of interest. Identifying and negotiating an appropriate opportunity requires time and persistence, as well as the involvement of many different people on and off-campus.

Start by visiting UMUC Career Services Internships, but also keep an eye out for other paid and unpaid internships, volunteer work opportunities, and special work assignments that will advance your career goals. The UMUC Workplace Learning Program provides additional resources for your professional development.

Identifying Jobs and Preparing for Job Interviews

When you are ready to identify potential employers, you can take advantage of Career Services job search services and the online database of job and internship opportunities (CareerQuest).

Resume-writing and cover letter tutorials will assist you in presenting yourself to potential employers. OptimalResume 2.0 (accessible through CareerQuest) is a career management platform that will help create, present, manage and share your professional credentials.

UMUC Workplace Learning

Workplace learning provides another opportunity to develop skills and contacts in your field of interest. Workplace learning is sometimes known as "cooperative education." Through workplace learning, you can earn up to 15 upper-level credits by demonstrating the application of classroom theory to real-world professional projects.

Eligibility requirements for workplace learning are strict and the application process is rigorous. You will need to allow time to craft a learning proposal/agreement and have it approved by an on-site supervisor and a faculty mentor. You will find more detailed information on the Workplace Learning website.  

Other Career Planning Resources

There are many other career planning resources available.  Check out some of the resources below:

UMUC Library Guide to Career and Job Search Resources

The guide contains links to many helpful eResources including eBooks, websites, videos, feeds, and an "Ask a Librarian" live chat widget.  Topic areas include general career planning, job hunting, occupational research, résumés/cover letters, interviewing, and networking.