Time Management Strategies
(Source: Adapted from EDCP 100, UMUC)
Understanding how your values and goals fit in with your time is a central part of being a successful university student. Adapting the strategies listed below to meet your own needs will go a long way toward ensuring your success in higher education.
Click on the numbers below the clock to reveal tips for managing your time.
You can find a number of good time-management resources online. Any tool that makes it easier for you to maximize scarce resources will go a long way toward ensuring your success. Here are a few that you may want to explore: Assignment Calculator , Seattle Pacific Center for Learning, How to Study.org, and Mind Tools.
If you have more time and are in a more philosophical mood, you may want to check out this time management lecture by the late Dr. Randy Pausch. His talk addresses the subject of how to manage life and work effectively.