Population Growth


Exercise 1

Suppose an alien population, called the Duemans, lives on the second planet around the binary system of Alpha Centauri. Scientists have detected radio signals that indicate the following information about the Dueman population, given in equivalent Earth time:

Year Population (in
hundred thousands)
1946 650
1950 720
1955 810
1960 920
1965 1050
1970 1180
1975 1350
1980 1520
1985 1730
1990 1950
1995 2200
2000 2500
2005 2850
2010 3200

Assuming an exponential growth model, determine the growth constant and estimate the Dueman population in the Earth year 2050.



Exercise 2

Verify that

is a solution of the (differential) equation


Determine the limit of the solution as time t goes to infinity (for r > 0). What is the limit if r > 0 and P0 > M?



Exercise 3

The half-life of decaying radioactive material is analogous to the doubling time of exponential growth. Assuming that a radioactive material takes 12 years to decay to 90 percent of its original weight, what is the half-life of the material?
